The Civitas School is excited to be co-sponsoring an Edwards Institute talk presented by Edwards Institute fellow (and Civitas teacher) Joseph Leake: "A Great Light: Christ in Advent Poetry & Theology."
Medieval Christians possessed a vivid and resplendent vocabulary for describing the Advent and Nativity of Christ. This vocabulary is a wonderful part of our Christian inheritance, one that Christians today can still find both moving and illuminating. In this talk, Dr. Leake will examine at some Advent-related images used by medieval theologians and poets, tracing their origins from the rich store of Greek, Latin, Gothic, and Old English words and phrases, and invite us to consider how these descriptions deepen and enrich our joy in Christ’s first coming.
The talk will take place on Friday, December 20 at 7:00 pm at the Presbyterian Church of Manchester.
Come join us—on one of the darkest nights of the year!—for the lights
(and delights) of poetry, history, theology, and Advent fellowship with Christians past and present.