Teaching and Learning in Community
Event Schedule
The Civitas School offers events with an educational and spiritual focus as part of our calling to serve and enrich the local community. We welcome anyone, whether a Civitas student or not, to attend these events.
Upcoming Events
Saturday, April 12, 2025 | 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Civitas Book Club
Sir Gawain & the Green Knight
Read the classics in community! Join Civitas teachers, students, parents, and members of the local Christian community in reading and discussing some of the best and most beloved classics of world literature. (More about the Civitas Book Club.) Our discussion of Sir Gawain & the Green Knight will be led by Civitas teacher Joseph Leake.
Previous Events
Saturday, January 25, 2025 | 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Civitas Book Club
The Book of Ezekiel
Read the classics in community! Join Civitas teachers, students, parents, and members of the local Christian community in reading and discussing some of the best and most beloved classics of world literature. (More about the Civitas Book Club.) Our discussion of Ezekiel will be led by Civitas teacher John Sundet.
Friday, December 20, 2024 | 7:00 pm
A Great Light:
Christ in Advent Poetry & Theology
with Dr. Joseph Leake
Medieval Christians possessed a vivid and resplendent vocabulary for describing the Advent and Nativity of Christ. In this talk, co-sponsored by the Edwards Institute and The Civitas School, Dr. Leake will examine some Advent-related images used by medieval theologians and poets, tracing their origins from the rich store of Greek, Latin, Gothic, and Old English words and phrases, and discuss how these descriptions deepen and enrich our joy in Christ’s first coming.
Saturday, October 19, 2024 | 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Civitas Book Club
Jane Austen's Persuasion
Read the classics in community! Join Civitas teachers, students, parents, and members of the local Christian community in reading and discussing some of the best and most beloved classics of world literature. (More about the Civitas Book Club.) Our discussion of Persuasion will be led by Civitas teachers Joseph and Isabella Leake. (More about Persuasion.)
Thursday, August 22, 2024 | 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Teacher Open House
Six Civitas instructors in math, science, English, music, and biblical literacy will be on hand to meet prospective students and parents, discuss their classes, and answer questions. If you've been wanting to meet face-to-face, see the classroom spaces, find out more about Civitas or a particular course, or even just chat about philosophy of education—this will be your chance! For more information and a list of participating teachers, please see our blog post about the event.
Saturday, May 18, 2024 | 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Magistras & Majestas:
Education and the Glory of God
What is it like to be a Civitas student?
Now is your chance to find out!
Sample the excitement, spiritual nourishment, and joy of a Civitas education as five expert and enthusiastic teachers model our teaching philosophy through brief lessons—what can algebra, engineering, and composition, Shakespeare, Bach, Jane Austen, and Tolkien teach us about Christ?—followed by a round-table Q&A about classical education and luncheon for all.
Come be a student for a morning and see how pursuit of knowledge reveals the majesty of God and how the liberal arts teach us to surrender ourselves in worship.
If you'd like more information, please see our blog post and the event/registration page.
- May 18, 2024, 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Friday, November 10, 2023 - Saturday, November 11, 2023
How to Sing the Psalms
Theopolis Regional Course
with Paul Buckley & Brian Moats
Join us for a two-day event of instruction, worship, and fellowship! Paul Buckley and Brian Moats of the Theopolis Institute will give us a vision for reclaiming Psalms as the hymnbook of the church as we explore the biblical, theological, and practical reasons for singing the Psalms. But more importantly, we will SING. We will sing A LOT!
Read our write-up of this event on our blog.