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Joseph Leake
Jan 63 min read
Shedding light on “Epiphany”
What do these two things—the Adoration of the Magi and sudden realizations—have to do with one another? Why is "epiphany" used for both?

Isabella Leake
Dec 1, 20244 min read
Civitas favorites: Music for Advent & Christmas
One of the ways Christ ministers to his people at this time of year is through music: the beloved Advent and Christmas songs that he...

Joseph Leake
Mar 31, 20241 min read
A Hopkins poem for Easter Sunday
Today, we present for your delight a poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins, written around 1875. There is so much to like in this poem, but we...

Joseph Leake
Jan 21, 20245 min read
The hidden link between Middle-earth & “O Come, O Come Emmanuel”: Part II
“I felt a curious thrill, as if something had stirred in me, half wakened from sleep.” J.R.R. Tolkien wrote these words in recollection...

Isabella Leake
Jan 6, 20245 min read
A musical Epiphany: “Videntes stellam” three ways
One of the joys of discovering Medieval and Renaissance music is finding the same text—often a Biblical text—used over and over again by...

Isabella Leake
Dec 24, 20235 min read
What’s so great about “The Holly & the Ivy”?
Today, on the Eve of Christmas, I’d like to share some reflections on one of my favorite Christmas carols, “The Holly & the Ivy.” Over...

Joseph Leake
Dec 20, 20234 min read
The hidden link between Middle-earth & “O Come, O Come Emmanuel”: Part I
Would it surprise you to learn that J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth and the Advent hymn “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” are cousins? The beloved...
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